Everyone Join Amazon Smile and support BARC!

Stop! Don’t do any more Christmas shopping until you change your Amazon Smile charity to Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club. By designating Brightleaf as your charity, a small donation will automatically be made to the club from each eligible purchase that you make. It costs you nothing extra, but will add up to support for theContinue reading “Everyone Join Amazon Smile and support BARC!”

Elecraft founder visited BARC

We are fortunate to have one of the co-founders of Elecraft Radio, Eric Swartz, produce a presentation on zoom for BARC. It started at 7pm (EST) on November 10, 2020. You should have be there!!! Yes, on Zoom. He talked about the advanced radios that the two hams that started Elecraft are producing. These radiosContinue reading “Elecraft founder visited BARC”