
Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club.

Established 1967 and going strong since. A group of amateur radio enthusiasts getting together to explore and expand the hobby, and to provide communications service to the community at large when needed in emergencies. BARC is located in Greenville, Pitt County, North Carolina.

Friends everywhere…

Just choose a frequency and start talking…

Monthly Meetings

Now in person and live links with Zoom

During the Covid-19 pandemic, in person meetings were suspended and replaced by on-line meetings on Zoom. https://zoom.us. General membership meetings are now in person and on zoom at the Shepherd Memorial Library in Greenville on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. Board meetings are on zoom on the last Tuesday of the month at 7pm.

This organization is run with volunteers and is a 501(c)(3) non profit accepting donations. Please keep the club doing it’s mission by donating what you can, thank you.

Dash for cash

Field Day: Starting on the 4th week end in June seting up the tents and equipment starting at 8 AM Saturday and runs for 24 hours on emergency power. Sunday we take it all down and tally up the score. Our parent organization (ARRL.ORG) then tracks the score pronouncing the winners in each category.

BARC Activities

Competitions, charitable events

The activities range from the monthly meetings where interesting topics related to radio technology is presented to Field day where we organize a week end outing and set up emergency communications, talking all over the world in a friendly competition. We supply communication support for organizations like the Red Cross, Dash for Cash and the MS society for their fund raising activities.



V.E. sessions are meetings that provide education and testing to allow people to get their initial license or upgrade their license to a higher level with more privileges. Usually held at 6:30PM on the 3rd Wednesday of even months. Also local high schools are supported in teaching the kids the science, geography and methods of communication.

Our president demonstrates the use of radio equipment installed in our emergency communication trailer to the girl scouts and their leaders.



Due to Covid, we meet on Zoom and have had even better meeting as we can invite prominent speakers from distant placed to talk on very interesting subjects… read more.

Helping each other

Hams are friendly and love to help. A more civic minded group you will not meet. Willing to go out in storms and provide emergency communications in times of need. Governor Hunt stated that if it was not for Hams, a lot more people would have been dead after hurricane Floyd… read more.

A hobby for a life time

This hobby is so wide that you can get lost in all the different aspects of this hobby. There are Dx’ers that look to make contacts overseas. Contesters that get into making as many different contacts in a short period of time… read more.

Invent something!

Most of our communication technology was developed by hams paying around in the garage or “hamshacks”. Hams had the cell phone in a manual mode 20 years before it became “a thing”. New cancer treatments are being studied using radio frequencies… read more.

N4PVH skiing & communicating at 13,000 ft at the top of Arapahoe Basin, CO.

Warning: If you start this hobby, you will be hooked and will not regret it!

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Monday & Monday CPA

Long time supporter of BARC. Terry has been in most of the BARC positions as an officer and now on the Board. Many thanks for the years of support.- PVH

Terry Monday, CPA
Mark’s Marine

Mike has been another long time supporter of BARC and has been in multiple positions of BARC organization. His presentations are not to be missed. Many thanks.-PVH

Mike Langley
East Carolina Retina Consultants

N4PVH has enjoyed being a member of BARC since 2001 but always in the background as I was too busy to help. That all changed with the renovation of the BARC-ARES trailer and now a few years in officer positions. I hope to get us past the Covid restrictions and still make this enjoyable for all.-PVH
