
Jack Kear, K4MI (SK), Bob Knapp, W4OMW (SK), Charlie Wells, K4SKI (SK), Lamar Reed, K4BPF, and Ray Davis (SK) were some that met to organize the Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club in 1967. Why the name Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club? According to Life Member Jack Kear, K4MI, one reason was that the tobacco companies would pay for the QSL cards if the name “Brightleaf” was used. There is more Brightleaf tobacco grown in Pitt County than any other county in the United States. (or was?)   The club call sign, W4AMC, was formerly held by Gilbert Smith (SK) of Robersonville, one of the Charter Members that helped organize the club. 


Amateur Clause

2023 BARC Officers

President: Beth KN4FZB
Vice Pres: Judy W3JUU
Treasurer: Dave W4EJ
Secretary: Daryl N4OHK
Trustee#1: Bill WA4SLC
Trustee#2: Scott K9SPJ
Webmaster: Peter N4PVH
Newsletter Editor: Mark KG4GVJ
Equipment/QSL: Richard W4JNC
Field Day:
Public Relations:
VE Liaison: VE Testing at Pamlico ARC
Emergency Coordinators: Daryl N4OHK & Michael Burnette.
Call Sign Trustee: Bill WA4SLC (W4AMC/W1VOA/W4UHS)



Emergency Communication Trailer ready for action should it be needed. Renovated by N4PVH.

Frequency agile with 2 meter FM, 70cm FM, Packet, 2 HF with two antennas (Tarheel & Hygain inverted “V”), Marine band, Aircraft monitoring and SW receiver.

Modes available: Voice, CW, Digital.

Power: External plug in, deep cycle battery, solar on roof, 2kw generator.

Other features: Antenna ports to external environment, heat reflective roof paint, grounding system, army secretary desk.

“If it were not for Brightleaf amateur radio operators, a lot of people would be dead after hurricane Floyd”

Governor Hunt. March 2000